



I'm trying to get the x, y, and state of my mouse in SDL. I tried using the lines

int mstate, mx, my = 0;
mstate, mx, my = SDL_GetCursor().SDL_GetMouseState();

But it gives me the error

C:[path]\particletest2\main.cpp|107|error: request for member SDL_GetMouseState' in SDL_GetCursor()', which is of non-class type `SDL_Cursor*'|

Is there any way I can get this to work? It seems like a waste to create a SDL_cursor object when SDL_GetCursor() should be creating one to return for you.

Thank you in advance for any help or answers, and for taking the time to read this.


SDL_GetCursor() returns a pointer and so you need to use the -> operator to access its member.

Responding to your reply:

I think

mstate, mx, my = SDL_GetCursor()->SDL_GetMouseState();

is a problem if it wasn't incorrectly pasted. I do not think that this is doing what you think it should be doing, and I am not really sure what you think it should be doing.

Oliver N.

Okay, when I tried that it told me SDL_Cursor was a struct, and not a object, If that's true how can it have functions?

After that I tried calling just "SDL_GetMouseState()" and it said I had to few arguments and needed to pass it a x, and y. I'm trying to get my mouses x and y though, so I can't pass what I need to something that gives me what I need.

Can someone please explain what's going on, because this just really confused me with how SDL handles mouse events and movements.

mstate, mx, my = SDL_GetCursor()->SDL_GetMouseState();

Using this gives me this error:

C:[path]\particletest2\main.cpp|107|error: 'struct SDL_Cursor' has no member named 'SDL_GetMouseState'|

I assumed from your original post that SDL_GetMouseState was a member function of the SDL_Cursor struct/class, which it is not. shows that it is a function which is completely separate.
Oliver N.

Yes, which is why I said in my first reply:

After that [the -> operator] I tried calling just "SDL_GetMouseState()" and it said I had to few arguments and needed to pass it a x, and y. I'm trying to get my mouses x and y though, so I can't pass what I need to something that gives me what I need.

So, I am asking this now:

How do I get my mouse's X and Y in SDL [C++]?

I think you should familiarize yourself with C++ before trying to tackle an SDL project, but the answer is something like: "int x = 0; int y = 0; SDL_GetMouseState("
Oliver N.