I'm trying to crop a NSImage which contains a PDF. When printing I am using NSImage's drawInRect to have it draw only what I need - and this works great.
But, now instead I'm trying to create a new NSImage of just the cropped area. I played with it for a while, then found this code on CocoaBuilder:
- (NSImage *) imageFromRect: (NSRect) rect
NSAffineTransform * xform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
// translate reference frame to map rectangle 'rect' into first quadrant
[xform translateXBy: -rect.origin.x
yBy: -rect.origin.y];
NSSize canvas_size = [xform transformSize: rect.size];
NSImage * canvas = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: canvas_size];
[canvas lockFocus];
[xform concat];
// Get NSImageRep of image
NSImageRep * rep = [self bestRepresentationForDevice: nil];
[rep drawAtPoint: NSZeroPoint];
[canvas unlockFocus];
return [canvas autorelease];
This works, but the returned NSImage is blurry, and no longer suitable for printing. Any ideas?