just a simple question ... ist there a special board/forum .. or a blog you like . I'm new to c++ and i'd like to get deep in the matter :)
so : what are the best c++ sites on this planet ? :)
just a simple question ... ist there a special board/forum .. or a blog you like . I'm new to c++ and i'd like to get deep in the matter :)
so : what are the best c++ sites on this planet ? :)
cplusplus.com is a very useful online reference, and hosts a forum as well.
I'd also recommend to have a look at the home page of Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer of the language.
The moderated C++ Usenet group http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c++.moderated is an obvious place to start.
Altough the most of the posts are dated, Guru of the week is a must read!
cplusplus.com and cprogramming.com are a great quick reference when I forget how to do something.
I have personally like Artima, where most of the experts write regularly. Although recently there has been dip in frequency.
Reference pages are a bit boring, I'd like to see more c++ blogs posted here. A good way to learn coding is too know when your doing it wrong.
Bad code with funny back stories at(occasional c++ gem) thedailywtf.com.
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications.
The Visual C++ Team Blog is a very MSVC-oriented site, but well written and with some good deep information.
Few more ideas:
This is actually a C library reference, but all of these functions are usable (and often useful) when programming in C++.