Yes. It is practically a FAQ on the XE Oracle forum.
Firstly, can you connect to Oracle using
sqlplus user/pass
If so, Oracle is up an running (which appears to be your situation, but may not be for a future reader with a similar problem). If not, you can try
sqlplus / as sysdba
Once Oracle is up, check that the listener can see the Oracle instance by
sqlplus user/pass@xe
If not, then either the listener is not up, or the 'listener does not know of the service'. Make sure the listener is started (lsnrctl, then start). Make sure the database is registered with the listener
sqlplus / as sysdba
alter system register;
Now you should be able to connect using the '@xe' syntax. Worthwhile verifying the embedded PL/SQL gateway is set up to use the 8080 port
select dbms_xdb.GETHTTPPORT from dual;
On Windows you can use netstat -ab to see if tnslsnr.exe is listening on the port.
Then I'd suggest looking at browser settings (specifically any proxy settings that might be forwarding your request to a machine that has no idea what to do with it) and firewalls (which could well be set to ignore or hide any access to the port).