Sorry to answer my own question. Unless someone knows otherwise, there appears to be no way for out-of-the-box ANT to create directories (e.g. using mkdir) relative to entries in a fileset.
Ant-Contrib contains useful for loop tasks, as Bhushan suggests, which could possibly perform this sort of task.
Had some better things to be getting on with, so in the end, I just wrote a batch file called by an ANT task (apply tasks can iterate over filesets).
<apply executable="cmd" failonerror="1">
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg line="build\tools\makeRelDir.bat"/>
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.file"/>
where the batch file does this:
mkdir %~dp1%~n1
(Why is it so hard to do something some simple in ANT? Am I missing something?)