If I were you I would order by a tricky expression. Let's assume that before a slash you have at most 2 or 3 digits. If you write
order by case charindex('/', val)
when 0 then convert(int, val)
else convert(int, substr(val, 1, charindex('/', val) -1)
end * 1000
+ case charindex('/', val)
when 0 then 0
else convert(float, replace(substring(val, 1 + charindex('/', val),
length(val)), '-', '.'))
If I'm not mistyped anything, the following should convert 05 to 5000, 05/1 to 5001, 05/1-1 to 5001.1, and things should sort the way you want, assuming you always have a single digit at most after the hyphen. Otherwise you can probably work around it by splitting and left-padding with the suitable number of zeroes, but the expression would get much uglier ...