I'm interested in the way I am retaining my properties and the aspects of memory management. This is for a simple application that edits the information of a class that is stored in a table. There are 3 ViewControllers.
- A list view (list all classes)
- a detail view of the selected item (lists properties of selected class)
- an edit view (lists single property
of selected class and allows it to be edited)
This is how it is structured at present, what do you think?
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *pools;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PoolFacilityEditController *childController;
To add a new class instance to the table you click an add button that runs this method..
//Loads up the editPoolFacility controller to add a new pool
-(void)add {
PoolFacilityEditController *editController = self.childController;
PoolFacility *aPoolFacility = [[PoolFacility alloc] init];
[self.pools addObject:aPoolFacility];
[aPoolFacility release];
editController.thePoolFacility = aPoolFacility;
editController.pools = self.pools;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:editController animated:YES];
The next controller is now loaded up and here are its interesting instance variables. Wise or not I have chose to just assign the pool to the new controller rather than retain. I don't want to unnecessarily retain.
detail View
@property (nonatomic, assign) PoolFacility *thePoolFacility; (assigned in the above add method)
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSMutableArray *pools; (also assigned in the add method)
The detail view has a method that does the following..
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
//Pass the copy onto the child controller
if (self.childController.thePoolFacility != self.thePoolFacility) {
self.childController.thePoolFacility = self.thePoolFacility;
The pool is passed onto the detail edit controller so it knows the pool it is editing.
Now a user clicks on an individual bit of pool information (e.g name) and the detail view controller pops up. It allows the editing of individual properties.
It's interesting properties look like this:
@property (nonatomic, retain) PoolFacility *thePoolFacilityCopy;
@property (nonatomic, assign) PoolFacility *thePoolFacility;
And it creates a copy to edit in case the user changes the values and then wants to cancel. If the user presses save it copies the values from the copy into the non-copy.
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
PoolFacility *poolCopy = [self.thePoolFacility copy];
self.thePoolFacilityCopy = poolCopy;
[poolCopy release];
If save or cancel is pressed the view is popped.
And then we're back to the middle view that displays all the fields.
Now if the user presses save I just poptheviewcontroller and we're back to the list view. OR if the user presses cancel I run this method.
-(void)cancel {
[self.pools removeObject:self.thePoolFacility];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
So to summarize
I am assigning a property throughout different view controllers rather than retaining it.
Also my view controllers are only loaded once and are not deallocated when they 'dissapear'
I hope this made some sense! My question is.. Is this a good way of doing it?