





I have check to see if the argument in argv[1] is valid for my file.

i have a menu system in its own sub-routine called in main.

Reading the file and so on is done in another sub-routine sepearte from the first, also called in main.

How can i transfer the argv[1] to the first sub-routine? Or even the second?

string sArgInit = argv[1]

This way i can open the file using a C-String.

But i cant get the string to any function outside of main..

is there a way to do this without: global varaibles, passing the string as an argument paramter to the sub-routine.

const char *filename = argv[1];

Then pass the pointer to your subroutine. argv[1] remains valid for the whole execution of the program.

This doesn't seem like an unreasonable answer given the question's vagueness.
Brian Neal

First of all, you may want to check that argv[1] is not null before you try to assign it to the C++ string.

You can move the C++ string object around to functions.

Eventually, you can use c_str() to make a C string

For example: char* sData = (char*)str.c_str()

c_str() returns a char const* why do you want to cast away the constness?
Martin York
I was trying to illustrate that he can just put it as the parameter to fopen or whatever. Besides, I copy pasted that line from somewhere else :)
+4  A: 

The following code shows how to do exactly what you want, checking that argv[1] exists before passing it to functions as C char-pointers or C++ strings and using the value within that function.

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

static void f1 (char *s) {
    cout << "1: " << s << endl;

static void f2 (string *s) {
    cout << "2: " << (*s) << endl;
    cout << "3: " << s->c_str() << endl;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <test_string>" << endl;

    char *s1 = argv[1];
    string *s2 = new string (argv[1]);

    f1 (s1);
    f2 (s2);

    return 0;

The output is, as expected:

1: hello
2: hello
3: hello

As for your edit, you cannot access argc/argv without storing them in a global or passing them to a function. That's because they're passed to the main function as arguments so inherently local to that function.

Why would you new up a string here? You are leaking memory.
Brian Neal
s2 leaks. Why are you newing it?
Martin York
For a start, the new is irrelevant to the Q/A, it was just put there to show the different ways to pass a 'string'. And there's no memory leak, all memory is recovered when the process exits. Do you both think that new'ed variables continue to exist after the process is finished? No.
+2  A: 

is there a way to do this without: global varaibles, passing the string as an argument paramter to the sub-routine.

No, you have to get it to the routine somehow.

What is wrong with passing it as a parameter?

void my_sub( char* s){}

void main(int argc, char* argv[])
    my_sub( argv[1] );

You would have to pass the argument as a parameter to the sub-routines.

void method1(char* filename) {
  // ..

void method2(char* filename) {
  // ...

void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

I'm not sure if this answers your question, so please expand.

class myprog {
    myprog(const string& filename) : m_filename(filename) {}

    void menufunc();
    void otherfunc();
    string m_filename;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    myprog prog(argv[1]);

    return 0;