I was inspired by this (number 2) to make my hard-coded strings ugly.
How can I do this in VIM?
I was inspired by this (number 2) to make my hard-coded strings ugly.
How can I do this in VIM?
Many of the color schemes that come with VIM already do this. You can easily make them uglier if you like. :)
highlight clear String
highlight link String Error
A bit over the top IMO, so you might want to not make it permanent.
The language-based files are stored in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax
, one .vim
file per language, so that's where you need to go to change things.
For example, my C file is stored in C:\Program Files\Vim\vim70\syntax\c.vim
and, if you add the following line near the end, before the let b:current_syntax = "c"
, you'll get the exact effect you require:
hi String guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#ffff00
For text-based VIM, the ctermfg and ctermbg options need to be used instead, something like:
hi String ctermfg=Red ctermbg=Yellow
I haven't tested these since I only use gvim nowadays.