I personally use interfaces a lot in conjunction with the Zope Component Architecture (ZCA). The advantage is not so much to have interfaces but to be able to use them with adapters and utilities (singletons).
E.g. you could create an adapter which can take a class which implements ISomething but adapts it to the some interface ISomethingElse. Basically it's a wrapper.
The original class would be:
class MyClass(object):
def do_something(self):
return "foo"
Then imagine interface ISomethingElse has a method do_something_else(). An adapter could look like this:
class SomethingElseAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def do_something_else():
return self.context.do_something()+"bar"
You then would register that adapter with the component registry and you could then use it like this:
>>> obj = MyClass()
>>> print obj.do_something()
>>> adapter = ISomethingElse(obj)
>>> print adapter.do_something_else()
What that gives you is the ability to extend the original class with functionality which the class does not provide directly. You can do that without changing that class (it might be in a different product/library) and you could simply exchange that adapter by a different implementation without changing the code which uses it. It's all done by registration of components in initialization time.
This of course is mainly useful for frameworks/libraries.
I think it takes some time to get used to it but I really don't want to live without it anymore. But as said before it's also true that you need to think exactly where it makes sense and where it doesn't. Of course interfaces on it's own can also already be useful as documentation of the API. It's also useful for unit tests where you can test if your class actually implements that interface. And last but not least I like starting by writing the interface and some doctests to get the idea of what I am actually about to code.
For more information you can check out my little introduction to it and there is a quite extensive description of it's API.