



Hello, I want to disable exceptions in my C++ aplication, compiled under MSVC. I hve switched the option Enable C++ exceptions to NO, but I get warnings telling me to use the option /Ehsc, which I dont want to.

I do not have try/catch blocks in my code, but I use STL. I have found that using macro definition _HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 should disable the exceptions in STL, but I am still getting warning like:

warning C4275: non dll-interface class 'stdext::exception' used as base for dll-interface class 'std::bad_typeid' see declaration of 'stdext::exception' see declaration of 'std::bad_typeid'

Is there any way how to switch off the exceptions is STL?

Note: In my code I want to switch off the RTTI options, too. I get the same warnings no matter if the RTTI is on or off.

+3  A: 

The type id is to do with run-time type identification. You may want to try turning RTTI off as well.

However, certain parts of the C++ Standard Library are specified to throw exceptions. If you disable them you are sailing into the murky waters of "undefined behaviour".

+4  A: 

You need to use an STL that supports exception deactivation. This is generally a compile-time macro definition.

Unless I am mistaken, STLPort offers this with _STLP_USE_EXCEPTIONS=0 and _STLP_NO_EXCEPTIONS. I don't know how the programs behave with these settings. ;)

I think there is some hidden flag in the MS STL as well.

The EASTL comes out of the box with exceptions disabled:

Edouard A.
+1  A: 

For MSVC STL defining macro _HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 disables exceptions in case you link your application with libcmt.lib/libcmtd.lib (/MT or /MTd compiler option).

If you link with msvcrt.lib/msvcrtd.lib (/MD or /MDd compiler option) you need to define one more macro - _STATIC_CPPLIB. In this case either add the following lines before including any STL code:


or add the following to compiler options:


Please note that you need to disable C++ exceptions in your project settings.
