+3  A: 

One option might be to go with a factory pattern, so that the objects created directly by the IoC container never need to be disposed themselves, eg

IBinaryDataProviderFactory factory =
using(IBinaryDataProvider provider = factory.CreateProvider())

Downside is added complexity, but it does mean that the container never creates anything which the developer is supposed to dispose of - it is always explicit code which does this.

If you really want to make it obvious, the factory method could be named something like CreateDisposableProvider().

Chris Ballard
The whole point of the IoC container is that I later, through configuration, can return a different object. In your example, every such object must implement IDisposable. My question is: is that a criteria for those objects? Can I specify this criteria somewhat, or is it per-interface? Future-proof?
Lasse V. Karlsen
In this example I can return different implementations of the factory, but each must create a provider which implements IDisposable. This isn't ideal but at least gives you a clue about the semantics. Perhaps this isn't the question you were asking?
Chris Ballard
No, my question is: Should I, through the IoC container, enforce that all such interfaces and concrete types implement IDisposable, or should I leave that as an exercise for the user?
Lasse V. Karlsen
I think we have to make the developer responsible - IDisposable is all about telling the runtime that we are done with a resource, and not leaving this to the GC. All we can do is make it clearer that we are creating an object which needs to be explicitly disposed.
Chris Ballard
+2  A: 

(Disclaimer: I'm answering this based on java stuff. Although I program C# I haven't proxied anything in C# but I know it's possible. Sorry about the java terminology)

You could let the IoC framework inspect the object being constructed to see if it supports IDisposable. If not, you could use a dynamic proxy to wrap the actual object that the IoC framework provides to the client code. This dynamic proxy could implement IDisposable, so that you'd always deliver a IDisposable to the client. As long as you're working with interfaces that should be fairly simple ?

Then you'd just have the problem of communicating to the developer when the object is an IDisposable. I'm not really sure how this'd be done in a nice manner.

Well, this sounds like "always return an IDisposable object from the IoC container" and then the easiest solution would be to make that a criteria for the concrete types. The implementation of that interface could of course be left empty, so there's not much overhead code-wise, just one method.
Lasse V. Karlsen
Yes I suppose there's little difference. I suppose the basic problem is that you need to communicate the disposability of the object to the client code, so I think there's little hope ;)
I'd go for not supporting disposable objects.
+1  A: 

You actually came up with a very dirty solution: your IService contract violates the SRP, wich is a big no-no.

What I recommend is to distinguish so-called "singleton" services from so-called "prototype" services. Lifetime of "singleton" ones is managed by the container, which may query at runtime whether a particular instance implements IDisposable and invoke Dispose() on shutdown if so.

Managing prototypes, on the other hand, is totally the responsibility of the calling code.

Anton Gogolev