Recently I had to fix a bug that was reported from the field. While the test team was trying to reproduce the issue, the customer was breathing down our neck and we had to have production ready code in just a week's time. When at last when we were able to reproduce the issue there was just 3 days left. I and my colleague had to put in almost 30 hours of non-stop effort in finding the cause and having the fix in place in the code that wasn't written by us. Luckily we did it. However, my concern is that the test team didn't have enough of time to run through their usual test cases. And we had to overlook other trivial mistakes in the code to limit the code changes.
I would like to know from the community the best practices to follow in such time-critical conditions. Is it okay to neglect other issues (which aren't causes for the bug you are working on)? How to limit the code changes, that too in legacy code, as much as possible such that I need not worry that only minimal testing is possible. Continuous work without any sufficient breaks can also add its problems. Please share your thoughts and experience.