I am planning out an EDI system that sends, amongst other things, an XML acknowledgement message containing several elements, but specifically these three; ErrorCode, ErrorSeverity and ErrorDescription.
I will basically be parsing an inbound XML message and depending upon success or failure of parsing to include message formatting, syntax, structure, validity and some business rules I will return either a success or failure acknowledgement.
I have free reign to pick ErrorCodes, ErrorSeverity and ErrorDescription but instead of naively starting at ErrorCode [1], ErrorSeverity [Error], ErrorDescription [Cannot Find Inbound XML File] and adding errors as I think of them during the coding of the inbound message parser I was wondering if there's a best practise for picking error codes and severities?
I know HTTP error codes are like 2xx for OK messages, 4xx for certain errors, 5xx for server errors, etc and wondered if anyone has any good suggestions that might help me down the road before I code myself into a corner and say "if only all my "warning" errors had started with a 3 or something similar!
I think ErrorSeverity isn't going to be much more than [Error], [Warning], [Info] and [OK] maybe?