



I've asked some questions here and seen this geometric shape mentioned a few times among other geodesic shapes, but I'm curious how exactly would I generate one about a point xyz?

+1  A: 

There's a tutorial here.

Mark Pattison
+2  A: 

Here is one reference that I've used for subdivided icosahedrons, based on the OpenGL Red Book. The BSD-licensed source code to my iPhone application Molecules contains code for generating simple icosahedrons and loading them into a vertex buffer object for OpenGL ES. I haven't yet incorporated subdivision to improve the quality of the rendering, but it's in my plans.

Brad Larson
It's been a long time, but I believe this is the code I based mine off of. It worked out quite well. In the end I had a 3D tennis ball that would deform upon impact (impossible to do with a gluSphere).
Steve Wortham