Note I am a new user so can only have one hyperlink in my reply. Assume that BASE is "https://svn/repos/Project".
My answer is not directly the cause of this issue but it is closely related and is almost certainly a factor.
The problem is related to the fact that you are treating an SVN branch as the git trunk. I have found that new versions of git (1.6+) don't allow you to check out branches or tags as the git trunk. Git assumes a standard layout. In your case it probably assumes.
trunk - {BASE}/trunk/
branches - {BASE}/branches/
tags - {BASE}/tags/
Since b02 and b03 are children of branches it thinks they are branches and not trunk. In late 1.5.x versions I found that the behaviour is not very consistent but in 1.6.x versions (especially later 1.6.x versions) the behaviour is quite repoducable.
The work around that has worked for me very well is to explicitely declare tags and branches URLS:
git svn init -T {BASE}/branches/b03 -b {BASE}/anydir -t {BASE}/tags
git svn fetch -r33666 # where 33666 is the most recent version.
There after I suggest using git svn rebase.