I know this might off subject but what's a good program let's me view what a website might look like on a iPhone or other mobile device which connects to the Internet. Dreamweaver cs3 might have this but I can't find it anyone know?
Use the iphone simulator (part of the iphone SDK) and go to the webpage you want to test using safari.
Very simple except you will need a intel mac ( can be done on a ppc mac but installing the SDK requires some tricks on ppc and is not supported).
2009-02-19 05:26:12
How about a of? Know of any software?
2009-02-19 05:29:14
Of - I meant a pc
2009-02-19 05:29:58
I don't know of any tool for a pc, sorry
2009-02-19 06:38:32
Aptana has an iPhone plug-in which also includes a built in display. All of which are free.
2009-02-19 05:28:10
Iphone Similutor is one which i use and its work perfectally fine and its avlaible with iphone SDK
Ashutosh Singh
2009-02-19 05:38:40