Hello, I'm sorry if I'm not using the correct mathemathical terms, but I hope you'll understand what I'm trying to accomplish.
My problem: I'm using linear regression (currently least squares method) on the values from two vectors x and y against the result z. This is to be done in matlab, and I'm using the \-operator to perform the regression. My dataset will contain a few thousand observations (up to about 50000 at max).
The x-values will be in the area of 10-300 (most between 60 and 100) and the y-values in the 1-3 area.
My code looks like this:
X = [ones(size(x,1) x y];
parameters = X\y;
The output "parameters" are then the three factors a0, a1 and a2 which is used in this formula:
a0 * 1 + a1 * xi + a2 * yi = zi
(The i's are supposed to be subscripted)
This works like expected, although I want the two parameters a1 and a2 to ALWAYS be positive values, even when the vector z is negative (this means that the a0 will be negative, of course), since this is what the real model looks like (z is always positively correlated to x and z). Is this possible using the least squares method? I'm also open for other algorithms for linear regression.