




As usual I'm working my way through a couple of programming books (Intermediate Perl and just started on The Little Schemer) and what struck me is that they really seem to put some thought into how they present the material. They're easy to read, and they seem to assume that you're working through them all by yourself (without an instructor). They make learning as easy as possible.

Now, I'm planning to refresh my math at some point in the near future, but most of the math textbooks I've come across during school and college were not like that at all. Usually they tended to be really dry, densely written, with the bare minimum of explanation.

So I'm wondering if anyone knows some math books or series or authors that are user-friendly and cover their topics well. CS-related math would of course be the priority, but I'm interested in other sorts as well.

+1  A: 

Head First Statistics: non better at this level (up to first year university)

Mitch Wheat
+1  A: 

Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig is classic (for me at least), and balances pretty well between "human being" and "real math" presentation. It also includes some computer examples.

Joonas Pulakka
Are you sure? Many of the amazon reviewers don't seem to think it's a good book to learn from.
Well, what is good for somebody is overwhelming for somebody else. But if you want to really learn math, coating the presentation with candy won't help. It's hard work...
Joonas Pulakka
Kreyszig is single-handedly responsible for the decline of math faculties throughout the western world.I'd rather stick my testicles in a mangle.
@Kieran: Lol! if only I could upvote comments!
Mitch Wheat
:-D Well, real mathematicians hate it because it's too candy, and human beings hate it because it's too difficult. It's hard to be in the middle...
Joonas Pulakka
@Kieran, be careful what you wish for...
@Kieran: I would rather blame the attitude of western societies towards study of hard subjects.
+2  A: 

Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang. See the video lectures online here.

Mitch Wheat
That's a definitely good refresher. The book is also a nice read, a bit different from typical textbook, somewhat more 'narrative' ;)
+1  A: 

Calculus by James Stewart. Very well written and good to self-study from.

Mitch Wheat
I agree, the Stewart books were really good.
Tony Arkles
+1  A: 

Mathematics - From the Birth of Numbers by Jan Gullberg is the book I wished I had at university. Instead I had the long death march of Kreyszig's joy killer "Advanced Engineering Mathematics"

+2  A: 

I recommend Concrete Mathematics (A Foundation for Computer Science) by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik. The margin notes in the book are quite funny (and corny at times), and the main text is not bad too <rimshot />

(my verbatim answer to a related question "Recommendations for discrete math resources")

Zach Scrivena
This is a great book, but exceptionally difficult to learn from. Ealry editions had many mistakes.
Mitch Wheat
+2  A: 

Some very good books on problem solving:

The Art and Craft of Problem Solving by Paul Zeitz.

How to Solve it by George Polya

Not a textbook, but Julian Havil's 'Gamma' is quite possibly the most understandable and enjoyable book on the subject of mathematics:

Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant (for most parts, requires high school level maths)

Mitch Wheat
+1 For Polya. How to solve it should definitely be at the top of the list.
Rob Lachlan
@Rob Lachlan: Polya is a legend, but I find Paul Zeitz's book is less philosophical and more hands on.
Mitch Wheat
+1  A: 

I think you're more likely to find what you're looking for on video or audio than in a book. Math professors are more willing to be informal and understandable live than on paper. They'll talk about intuition and motivation more when they're lecturing than when they're writing.

The Teaching Company has a series of math lectures on video, including some by one of my favorite professors from when I was in college, Mike Starbird. You might also want to take a look at Apple's iTunes U.

John D. Cook
+5  A: 

Here's the key to finding good math books. Like all general rules, it has exceptions, but if you don't want to wade through masses of math books to find the exceptions, it's good to keep in mind: avoid low-level textbooks.

By "low-level" I mean books written for high school students or typical college freshmen/sophomores who aren't math majors. The quality of textbooks tends to increase as one looks at more and more advanced mathematics. The reason for this is that courses covering higher and higher mathematics gradually grow more focused on self-study and less reliant on the lecturer for providing insights. High school algebra books are absolute abominations; but if you look at a graduate text on, say, group theory, you'll find it's usually great for self-study. However, very few people are at the level of mathematical understanding (or interest!) to read graduate level books. If you're operating at this level, ignore most of what follows. What I'm about to say applies mostly to things like those 10,000 page freshman calculus tomes excavated from ancient Egyptian dig sites.

Textbooks tend to be written with the purpose of being used alongside lectures; consequently, they offer less insight, presuming that to be provided by the instructor, and they have more problems than would be useful to any person self-studying. They also tend to try to present material in the most efficient manner possible, which often means using little prose and structuring the book in a horribly boring and dry format which often consists either of hundreds of examples in a row or theorem-proof pairs.

So what are you left with? In general, with a few exceptions, everything besides textbooks. One of my favorite mathematics books is Visual Complex Analysis. Of all the mathematics books I've read, I've learned the most from this one. Complex analysis is typically left as an advanced undergraduate math course, but this book shows that this isn't necessary; the author brings the subject fully to life with beautiful geometric arguments and clever insights.

Another really fun and interesting book is Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula. From the title alone, I'm sure you can see that it has more spirit than most mathematics books. It's related to the previous one in that it explores the wonders of the complex numbers.

Presently I've been reading through Geometric Algebra for Computer Science. Geometric algebra, being a Clifford algebra, has very interesting structure, and this book presents one of the most structured introductions I've seen. It's a difficult book--as it must be, for Clifford algebra is not really simple--but it's at a much more friendly level than other books on the subject. This one is aimed at computer science people with a strong math background; other books on geometric algebra are largely aimed at mathematicians or theoretical physicists.

Zach Conn