



I have access to a third party library that does "good stuff." It issues status and progress messages to stdout. In a Console application I can see these messages just fine. In a Windows application they just go to the bit bucket.

Is there a fairly simple way to redirect stdout and stderr to a text control or other visible place. Ideally, this would not require any recompiles of the third party code. It would just intercept the steams at a low level. I'd like a solution where I just #include the header, call the initialization function and link the library as in...

#include "redirectStdFiles.h"

void function(args...)
  TextControl* text = new TextControl(args...);
  initializeRedirectLibrary(text, ...);

  printf("Message that will show up in the TextControl\n");
  std::cout << "Another message that also shows up in TextControl\n";

Even better would be if it used some interface that I could override so it is not tied to any particular GUI library.

class StdFilesRedirector
    writeStdout(std::string const& message) = 0;
    writeStderr(std::string const& errorMessage) = 0;
    readStdin(std::string &putReadStringHere) = 0;

Am I just dreaming? Or does anyone know of something that can do something like this?

Edit after two answers: I think using freopen to redirect the files is a good first step. For a complete solution there would need to be a new thread created to read the file and display the output. For debugging, doing a 'tail -f' in a cygwin shell window would be enough. For a more polished application... Which is what I want to write... there would be some extra work to create the thread, etc.

+8  A: 

You can redirect stdout, stderr and stdin using freopen.

From the above link:

/* freopen example: redirecting stdout */
#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
  freopen ("myfile.txt","w",stdout);
  printf ("This sentence is redirected to a file.");
  fclose (stdout);
  return 0;

You can also run your program via command prompt like so:

a.exe > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt
Brian R. Bondy
+5  A: 

When you create a process using CreateProcess() you can choose a HANDLE to which stdout and stderr are going to be written. this HANDLE can be a file to which you direct the output.

This will let you use the code without recompiling it. Just execute it and instead of using system() or whatnot, use CreateProcess().

The HANDLE you give to CreateProcess() can also be that of a pipe you created and then you can read from the pipe and do something else with the data.

+2  A: 

You could do something like this with cout or cerr:

// open a file stream
ofstream out("filename");
// save cout's stream buffer
streambuf *sb = cout.rdbuf();
// point cout's stream buffer to that of the open file
// now you can print to file by writing to cout
cout << "Hello, world!";
// restore cout's buffer back

Or, you can do that with a std::stringstream or some other class derived from std::ostream.

To redirect stdout, you'd need to reopen the file handle. This thread has some ideas of this nature.

This won't help you redirect another (spawned) program's stdout to anywhere of your liking.
Andreas Magnusson
The question refers to a third-party library. He didn't mention the need for redirection of another process' output.
+10  A: 

You need to create pipe (with CreatePipe()), then attach stdout to it's write end with SetStdHandle(), then you can read from pipe's read end with ReadFile() and put text you get from there anywhere you like.


This is what I'd do:

  1. CreatePipe().
  2. CreateProcess() with the handle from CreatePipe() used as stdout for the new process.
  3. Create a timer or a thread that calls ReadFile() on that handle every now and then and puts the data read into a text-box or whatnot.
Andreas Magnusson
+1  A: 

Thanks to the gamedev link in the answer by greyfade, I was able to write and test this simple piece of code


*stdout = *_tfdopen(_open_osfhandle((intptr_t) GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), _O_WRONLY), _T("a"));
*stderr = *_tfdopen(_open_osfhandle((intptr_t) GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), _O_WRONLY), _T("a"));
*stdin = *_tfdopen(_open_osfhandle((intptr_t) GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), _O_WRONLY), _T("r"));

printf("A printf to stdout\n");
std::cout << "A << to std::cout\n";
std::cerr << "A << to std::cerr\n";
std::string input;
std::cin >> input;

std::cout << "value read from std::cin is " << input << std::endl;

It works and is adequate for debugging. Getting the text into a more attractive GUI element would take a bit more work.

+3  A: 


you're probably looking for something along those lines:

 #define OUT_BUFF_SIZE 512

 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  printf("1: stdout\n");

  StdOutRedirect stdoutRedirect(512);
  printf("2: redirected stdout\n");

  printf("3: stdout\n");

  printf("4: redirected stdout\n");

  printf("5: stdout\n");

  char szBuffer[OUT_BUFF_SIZE];
  int nOutRead = stdoutRedirect.GetBuffer(szBuffer,OUT_BUFF_SIZE);
   printf("redirected outputs: \n%s\n",szBuffer);

  return 0;

this class will do it:

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define READ_FD 0
#define WRITE_FD 1

#define CHECK(a) if ((a)!= 0) return -1;

class StdOutRedirect
 StdOutRedirect(int bufferSize);

 int Start();
 int Stop();
 int GetBuffer(char *buffer, int size);

 int fdStdOutPipe[2];
 int fdStdOut;

StdOutRedirect::StdOutRedirect(int bufferSize)
 if (_pipe(fdStdOutPipe, bufferSize, O_TEXT)!=0)
  //treat error eventually
 fdStdOut = _dup(_fileno(stdout));

int StdOutRedirect::Start()
 fflush( stdout );
 CHECK(_dup2(fdStdOutPipe[WRITE_FD], _fileno(stdout)));
 setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); // absolutely needed
 return 0;

int StdOutRedirect::Stop()
 CHECK(_dup2(fdStdOut, _fileno(stdout)));
 return 0;

int StdOutRedirect::GetBuffer(char *buffer, int size)
 int nOutRead = _read(fdStdOutPipe[READ_FD], buffer, size);
 buffer[nOutRead] = '\0';
 return nOutRead;

Here's the result:

1: stdout
3: stdout
5: stdout
redirected outputs:
2: redirected stdout
4: redirected stdout

enjoy, Cedric.

Very helpful. Just what I needed.
James Hopkin

Not a single one of these solutions actually work. One just crashes the app. One sits there forever trapped on _read. One almost works, unfortunately since there's no possible way of ever knowing how long the string will be you get thousands of lines of garbage spit out to fill out the remainder of the 8192 character buffer. And the others rely on creating a file on the file system, which while I'm sure actually will work, is completely a completely unacceptable hack.

Please add comments to the individual answers, to indicate which ones don't work for you, how they fail for you, and if possible how they could be fixed. You've just posted an additional "answer" which doesn't address JoeBieg's problem at all.