To my knowledge SQL Server 2008 will only allow one clustered index per table. For the sake of this question let's say I have a list of user-submitted stories that contains the following columns.
ID (int, primary key)
Title (nvarchar)
Url (nvarchar)
UniqueName (nvarchar) This is the url slug (blah-blah-blah)
CategoryID (int, FK to Category table)
Most of the time stories will never be queried by ID. Most of the queries will be done either by the CategoryID or by the UniqueName.
I'm new to indexing so I assumed that it would be best to place 2 nonclustered indexes on this table. One on UniqueName and one on CategoryID. After doing some reading about indexes it seems like haivng a clustered index on UniqueName would be very beneficial. Considering UniqueName is... unique would it be advantageous to place the primary key on UniuqeName and get rid of the ID field? As for CategoryID I assume a nonclustered index will do just fine.