



I recently read The Numerati by Stephen Baker. It is an AMAZING book which really opens your eyes to all the possibilities of new emerging technology.

I was wondering if anyone (preferably who has read The Numerati) could suggest a good read?

I'm not looking for anything "code related".


+6  A: 

A good math read is The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, which is basically a biography of Paul Erdős along with a series of short discussions of interesting number theory.

Dan Olson
+3  A: 

You might want to read Supercrunchers. It's similar to The Numerati.

John D. Cook
+9  A: 

...and pretty much anything else by either of these two authors.

Others you may enjoy include:

Bill the Lizard
Great answer. Other authors whose "pretty much anything" is a great read: Martin Gardner, Ian Stewart, Ross Honsberger...
+2  A: 

Suprecrunchers is great, as is Fermat's Enigma. The Code book is also really interesting and relatively easy to understand.

I'd also give a shout out to The Man who loved only numbers.

Jon Dewees
+3  A: 

Out of Control by Kevin Kelly. The full text is actually available online from his own site. Sample chapter.


Check out my list of good recently published books related to .NET development:

Koistya Navin