I'm experimenting with adding the GPS functionality to my iPhone app. It's a workout app that will be used while walking or running. So what I want to use GPS for is to show the speed that the person is moving in Mph and minute/mile.
How should I configure the CLLocationManager so I get the best possible results? What should I set desiredAccuracy and distanceFilter?
I've tried with:
distanceFilter = 10 and desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters
and reading
CLLocation.speed property
Testing while driving around in my car the accuracy seems good compared to the car speedometer although it takes a while to update. I realize that the update delay may very well be the time it takes to query the GPS location, but I'm not sure if changing the above two parameters would give better results.
Should I use kCLLocationAccuracyBest and some other value for distanceFilter?
I'm interested to hear from others using CoreLocation to get speed. What are you doing to get more accurate results?