There's been quite a few questions about Obfuscation and how to avoid Reverse Engineering, etc... that got me thinking about a few points:
Why do people believe that they have some incredibly valuable algorithm. Even if an algorithm is awesome, a single algorithm doesn't make a program. The experience and Business model have more power to make or break a program.
Although patenting algorithms is iffy in my moral book its perfectly legal, so why do people try to use obfuscation when they should be using patents? After all, when someone has reversed engineered a program, they have totally free power of doing whatever they want with their findings unless its patented, so why not just patent it?
Last but not least shouldn't we keep our customers through quality and service?
Now I'm probably being hard-headed, so please help me out here, what benefits can someone actually gain from obfuscating their algorithms/software instead of using patents?
After all the richest companies say Microsoft and Google were built upon patenting of software, not obfuscation of software (although Microsoft also used that for a time, Bill Gates strategy was to build a company upon patents)
Note: I'm coming from a background in the Game Industry, we so patent all sorts of crazy stuff. That might be a reason I'm having trouble understanding the Obfuscation people.