I am writing a C++ DLL that is called by an external program.
1.) I take an array of strings (as char *var) as an argument from this program.
2.) I want to iterate through this array and call a COM function on each element of the string array. The COM function must take a BSTR:
DLL_EXPORT(void) runUnitModel(char *rateMaterialTypeNames) {
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
// Create the interface pointer.
IUnitModelPtr pIUnit(__uuidof(BlastFurnaceUnitModel));
int i;
for(i=0; i < sizeOfPortRatesArray; i++)
pIUnit->createPort(SysAllocString(BSTR((const char *)rateMaterialTypeNames[i])));
I think its the SysAllocString(BSTR((const char *)rateMaterialTypeNames[i])) bit that is giving me problems. I get an access violation when the programs runs.
Is this the right way to access the value of the rateMaterialTypeName at i? Note I am expecting something like "IronOre" as the value at i, not a single character.