



I'm extremely new to SOAP and I'm trying to implement a quick test client in PHP that consumes a ASP.NET web service. The web service relies on a Soap Header that contains authorization parameters.

Is it possible to send the auth header along with a soap request when using WSDL?

My code:


$service = new SoapClient("http://localhost:16840/CTI.ConfigStack.WS/ATeamService.asmx?WSDL");
$service->AddPendingUsers($users, 3); // Example


public void AddPendingUsers(List<PendingUser> users, int templateUserId)
    ateamService.AddPendingUsers(users, templateUserId, AuthorisationHeader.UserId);

How would the auth header be passed in this context? Or will I need to do a low lever __soapCall() to pass in the header? Also, am I invoking the correct soap call within PHP?

+3  A: 

You should be able to create a header and then add it to the client so it is sent for all subsequent requests. You will probably need to change the namespace parameter.

$service = new SoapClient("http://localhost:16840/CTI.ConfigStack.WS/ATeamService.asmx?WSDL");
//                        Namespace               Header Name          value   must-understand
$header = new SoapHeader('', 'AuthorisationHeader', $value, false);

$service->AddPendingUsers($users, 3); // Example

More information here

Tom Haigh
+2  A: 
$client = new SoapClient(PassportWebService);
$apiauth =array('userName'=>HeaderName,'password'=>HeaderPassport,'ip'=>$onlineip);

$authvalues = new SoapVar($apiauth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'ReqHeader',"SoapBaseNameSpace");
$header =  new SoapHeader("SoapBaseNameSpace","ReqHeader", $authvalues, true);

I am having a problem getting a custom soap header to work with PHP5. What I require is something like this:


What I get is :


I would like to remove the namespace tags. The code I use to get this is:

class Authstuff { 
public $USER; 
public $PASSWORD; 
public function __construct($user, $pass) { 
$this->USER = $user; 
$this->PASSWORD = $pass; 

$auth = new Authstuff('myusername', 'mypassword'); 
$param = array('Authstuff' => $auth); 
$authvalues = new SoapVar($auth,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT); 
$header = new 
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