



Hi everyone,

I'm trying to map my inheritance hierarchy to DB using Linq to SQL: Inheritance is like this, classes are POCO, without any LINQ to SQL attributes:

public interface IStage
{ ... }

public abstract class SimpleStage<T> : IStage where T : Process
{ ... }

public class ConcreteStage : SimpleStage<ConcreteProcess>
{ ... }

Here is the mapping:

<Database Name="NNN" xmlns=""&gt;
  <Table Name="dbo.Stage" Member="Stage">
    <Type Name="BusinessLogic.Domain.IStage">
      <Column Name="ID" Member="ID" DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY" IsPrimaryKey="true" IsDbGenerated="true" AutoSync="OnInsert" />
      <Column Name="StageType" Member="StageType" IsDiscriminator="true" />
      <Type Name="BusinessLogic.Domain.SimpleStage" IsInheritanceDefault="true">
        <Type Name="BusinessLogic.Domain.ConcreteStage" IsInheritanceDefault="true" InheritanceCode="1"/>

In the runtime I get error: System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled Message="Mapping Problem: Cannot find runtime type for type mapping 'BusinessLogic.Domain.SimpleStage'."

Neither specifying SimpleStage, nor SimpleStage<T> in mapping file helps - runtime keeps producing different types of errors.

DC is created like this:

StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"");
XmlMappingSource mapping = XmlMappingSource.FromStream(sr.BaseStream);
DataContext dc = new DataContext(@"connection string", mapping);

If Linq to SQL doesn't support this, could you, please, advise some other ORM, which does. Thanks in advance,




Have you added the reference to the files and also are you importing the references with using statements? OR using the fully qualified class names?

sorry, I didn't quite understand, what references you talk about?if you mean decorating my classes with LINQ related attributes, then no, I use POCO classes and only provide mapping in XML file
Sorry I mean Project->Add Reference then selecting the assembly for BusinessLogic.Domain.IStageAlso are you importing the library like using BusinessLogic.Domain;
oh, of course I add the reference to BL assembly and all necessary usings
BTW, without this inheritance hierarchy mapping of other non-inheritant entities works correctly

I think it's because of the generic type T in SimpleStage: it can't produce internally a mapping lookup table for SimpleStage as T is generic.

Frans Bouma
yes, I also think its because of generic. but I was wondering if there is a way to perform mapping somehow, maybe using other ORM

I found the answer myself, after I looked into IL of my generic class. In IL its name looks like SimpleStage`1<...> so the issue with mapping file was fixed when I wrote

<Type Name="BusinessLogic.Domain.SimpleStage`1" ...