I don't get why I get 0 when I use printf and %d to get the size of my vector:
vector<long long> sieve;
int size;
//add stuff to vector
size = sieve.size();
printf("printf sieve size: %d \n", size); //prints "printf sieve size: 0"
std::cout << "cout sieve size: ";
std::cout << size;
std::cout << " \n ";
//prints "cout sieve size: 5 (or whatever the correct sieve size is)"
If I iterate through the vector via
I get the correct number of iterations.
What am I doing wrong or what is up with printf? size() returns an int right??
Here's my entire little script:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <math.h>
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
unsigned long long answer = 0;
unsigned long long cur = 2;
std::vector<long long> sieve;
unsigned long long limit;
unsigned long long value;
unsigned int i;
int size;
bool isPrime;
std::cout << "Provide a value to find its largest prime factor: ";
std::cin >> value;
limit = ceil(sqrt(value));
while(cur++ < limit){
isPrime = true;
for(i=0; i<sieve.size();i++){
if(!(cur % sieve[i])){
isPrime = false;
if(!(value % cur)){
std::printf("Is prime factor: %d\n", cur);
answer = sieve[sieve.size() - 1];
size = sieve.size();
std::printf("current last: %d sieve size: %ld\n", answer, size);
for(i=0; i<sieve.size();i++){
std::printf("sieve iter: %d sieve val: %d\n", i, sieve[i]);
std::cout << size;
std::cout << " wtf\n";
answer = sieve[sieve.size() - 1];
size = sieve.size();
std::printf("Limit: %d Answer: %d sieve size: %ld\n", limit, answer, size);
return 0;