



I have the following code...

UILabel *buttonLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:targetButton.bounds];
buttonLabel.text = @"Long text string";
[targetButton addSubview:buttonLabel];
[targetButton bringSubviewToFront:buttonLabel];

...the idea being that I can have multi-line text for the button, but the text is always obscured by the backgroundImage of the UIButton. A logging call to show the subviews of the button shows that the UILabel has been added, but the text itself cannot be seen. Is this a bug in UIButton or am I doing something wrong?

+5  A: 

First of all, you should be aware that UIButton already has a UILabel inside it. You can set it using –setTitle:forState:.

The problem with your example is that you need to set UILabel's numberOfLines property to something other than its default value of 1. You should also review the lineBreakMode property.

Roger Nolan
I'm aware of the title property, but as far as I can tell it is impossible to set it to use more than one line, hence this approach. If I disable the backgroundImage, my UILabel show up, which to me suggests a bug in either bringSubviewToFront, or UIButton itself.
Owain Hunt

Although it's okay to add a subview to a control, there's no guarantee it'll actually work, because the control might not expect it to be there and might thus behave poorly. If you can get away with it, just add the label as a sibling view of the button and set its frame so that it overlaps the button; as long as it's set to appear on top of the button, nothing the button can do will obscure it.

In other words:

[button.superview addSubview:myLabel]; =;
Brent Royal-Gordon
+1  A: 

As to Brent's idea of putting the title UILabel as sibling view, it doesn't seem to me like a very good idea. I keep thinking in interaction problems with the UILabel due to its touch events not getting through the UIButton's view.

On the other hand, with a UILabel as subview of the UIButton, I'm pretty confortable knowing that the touch events will always be propagated to the UILabel's superview.

I did take this approach and didn't notice any of the problems reported with backgroundImage. I added this code in the -titleRectForContentRect: of a UIButton subclass but the code can also be placed in drawing routine of the UIButton superview, which in that case you shall replace all references to self with the UIButton's variable.

#define TITLE_LABEL_TAG 1234

- (CGRect)titleRectForContentRect:(CGRect)rect
    // define the desired title inset margins based on the whole rect and its padding
    UIEdgeInsets padding = [self titleEdgeInsets];
    CGRect titleRect = CGRectMake(rect.origin.x    + padding.left, 
                                  rect.origin.x    +, 
                                  rect.size.width  - (padding.right + padding.left), 
                                  rect.size.height - (padding.bottom + padding].top));

    // save the current title view appearance
    NSString *title = [self currentTitle];
    UIColor  *titleColor = [self currentTitleColor];
    UIColor  *titleShadowColor = [self currentTitleShadowColor];

    // we only want to add our custom label once; only 1st pass shall return nil
    UILabel  *titleLabel = (UILabel*)[self viewWithTag:TITLE_LABEL_TAG];

    if (!titleLabel) 
        // no custom label found (1st pass), we will be creating & adding it as subview
        titleLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:titleRect];
        [titleLabel setTag:TITLE_LABEL_TAG];

        // make it multi-line
        [titleLabel setNumberOfLines:0];
        [titleLabel setLineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];

        // title appearance setup; be at will to modify
        [titleLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
        [titleLabel setFont:[self font]];
        [titleLabel setShadowOffset:CGSizeMake(0, 1)];
        [titleLabel setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter];

        [self addSubview:titleLabel];
        [titleLabel release];

    // finally, put our label in original title view's state
    [titleLabel setText:title];
    [titleLabel setTextColor:titleColor];
    [titleLabel setShadowColor:titleShadowColor];

    // and return empty rect so that the original title view is hidden
    return CGRectZero;

I did take the time and wrote a bit more about this here. There, I also point a shorter solution, though it doesn't quite fit all the scenarios and involves some private views hacking. Also there, you can download an UIButton subclass ready to be used.


Roll your own button class. It's by far the best solution in the long run. UIButton and other UIKit classes are very restrictive in how you can customize them.

+2  A: 

There is a much easier way:

someButton.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
Valerii Hiora
+10  A: 

To allow multiple line you can use:

button.titleLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;

you'll probably also want to call

button.titleLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;

then just call:

[button setTitle @"Line1\nLine2" forState: UIControlStateNormal];
Perfect solution, thanx!

To restate Roger Nolan's suggestion, but with explicit code, this is the general solution:

button.titleLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
button.titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0;