Hi, I have a table called tblIssueTicket tblIssueTicket contains the fields: TicketID, TicketRequesterID, ApprovalManagerID, RequestDate, ApprovalDate, TicketStatus
There is another table called tblEmployeeProfile. tblEmployeeProfile contains fields EmployeeID, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName
I need to display the following records:
TicketID, TicketRequesterFullName, ApprovalManagerFullName, RequestDate, ApprovalDate, TicketStatus
I am having problems figuring out the query to return the fullname of the TicketRequester & fullname of ApprovalManager fields.
My query so far looks like this:
Select it.TicketID,
ep.Firstname + ' ' + ep.EmployeeLastName AS TicketRequestorFullName,
it.RequestDate, it.ApprovalDate, it.TicketStatus
FROM tblIssueTicket it, tblEmployeeProfile ep
WHERE ep.EmployeeID = it.TicketRequesterID
Any advice would greatly appreciated.