




I know objective-c and now I am waiting for my books to arrive. But they still need two weeks to come. So I would like to start with online tutorials. Does someone know any good ones?

+3  A: 

Pragmatic Programmer has a screencast set that is suppose to be good. Haven't tried them yet but plan too. There is a free one as well for the Hello World demo.


Stanford also offers their iPhone course material online for free: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/index.php

+2  A: 

The stanford course is a great place to start. You'll also want to check out AppsAmuck - they recently did an "app a day" project where they put together a simple app every day for 31 days and posted the source code. Makes for a great reference on top of the Apple sample code for figuring out those "how do I do this" type questions.

Eric Petroelje
I'd second the AppsAmuck site as well.
I'm wondering why everyone says the stanford course is good. They only provide powerpoint foils with a very thin level of content. just tags in there, no real info. i guess they only make sens when also hearing what the speaker of that presentation says.
It's really only good to get you through that "how the heck do I get started" phase. I think I went though about 1/3 of it before I felt confident enough to be able to really understand the docs and other peoples code.
Eric Petroelje
+3  A: 

I've made this post a community wiki. Feel free to edit this list, and add to it as you see fit.


They have fantastic screencasts, for all experience levels.


Has a great set of tutorials, unfortunately the page has become stagnant lately.


There's a decent tutorial on making paper football in this thread.


Jeff LaMarche is always teaching me new things, and he releases fantastic templates on a regular basis. Be sure to check out his OpenGL template, it has become the basis for a set of tutorials I'm writing.


Has great tutorials explaining the basic components.


Has tutorials less frequently, but they occasionally post some great information.


Has daily links with new information. Great new website to add to your RSS reader.