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Simple question. I personally find a string of lowercase characters to be more readable than a string of uppercase characters. Is some old/popular flavor of SQL case-sensitive or something?

For reference:

    case when this.Column2 is null then 0 else this.Column2 end
from dbo.SomeTable this
    inner join dbo.AnotherTable another on =
    this.Price > 100


    CASE WHEN this.Column2 IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE this.Column2 END
FROM dbo.SomeTable this
    INNER JOIN dbo.AnotherTable another ON =
    this.Price > 100

The former just seems so much more readable to me, but I see the latter way more often.

EDIT: General consensus seems to be "subjective preference." Differentiating between keywords and other text is important, and UPPERCASING is one way of doing it. Color coding is another.

+41  A: 

I think the latter is more readable. You can easily separate the keywords from table and column names, etc.

Perhaps it's just habit, but I find the second version much more understandable.
Daniel Von Fange
Agreed, 4th that.
I think it's interesting that SO doesn't do the same code highlighting when it's in caps.
@Learning `THE fantastic.words WHICH ARE yours STAND OUT as_compared_to THE few AND often_patterned/repeated SQL WORDS` In other words, the interest of the UPPERCASE convention is that SQL immutable keywords are easily identified, and look separate/different from your own identifiers and immediate values. This of course matters a bit less, nowadays with the omnipresent syntax hi-lighting in SQL IDEs / editors. This said, while this convention is a good thing for DML/DDL such as SELECT/INSERT queries and such, it can make for heavy look of Procedural extensions to SQL as in stored procs.
Shea Daniels
+13  A: 

Mostly it's tradition. We like to keep keywords and our namespace names separate for readability, and since in many DBMSes table and column names are case sensitive, we can't upper case them, so we upper case the keywords.

Paul Tomblin
James Curran
A MSSQL server or database *can* be set to a case-sensitive collation. And yes, its very annoying.But required for some applications.
Sybase servers have case sensitive names by default.
So does MySQL, and for good and for bad (mostly bad:-), many developers first exposure to SQL is through MySQL.
Paul Tomblin
+2  A: 

It's just a matter of readability. Helps you quickly distinguish SQL keywords.

Btw, that question was already answered:

+2  A: 

I prefer using upper case as well for keywords in SQL.

Yes lower case is more readable but for me having to take extra second to scan through the query will do you good most of the time. Once it's done and tested you should rarely ever see it again anyway (DAL, stored proc or whatever will hide it from you).

If you are reading it for the first time, capitalized WHERE AND JOIN will jump right at you, as they should.

+15  A: 

I agree with you - to me, uppercase is just SHOUTING.

I let my IDE handle making keywords stand out, via syntax highlighting.

I don't know of a historical reason for it, but by now it's just a subjective preference.

Edit to further make clear my reasoning:

Would you uppercase your keywords in any other modern language? Made up example:

USING (EditForm form = NEW EditForm()) {
    IF (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
       IF ( form.EditedThing == null ) {
          THROW NEW Exception("No thing!");
       RETURN form.EditedThing;
    } ELSE {
       RETURN null;


Anyway, it's pretty clear from the votes which style is more popular, but I think we all agree that it's just a personal preference.

Seriously. The example may have been necessary, but it was kind of gross.
+3  A: 

I prefer lower case keywords. Management Studio color codes the keywords, so there is no problem distinguishing them from the identifiers.

And upper case keywords feels so... well... BASIC... ;)

-"BASIC, COBOL and FORTRAN called from the eighties, they wanted their UPPERCASE KEYWORDS back." ;)


Apropos of nothing perhaps, but I prefer typesetting SQL keywords in small caps. That way they look capitalized to most readers, but they aren't the same as the ugly ALL CAPS style.

A further advantage is that I can leave the code as is and print it in the traditional style. (I use the listings package in LaTeX for pretty-printing code.)

Jon Ericson
Interesting. Do you know any monospace fonts with small caps? Not only is all caps ugly, it is nigh unreadable when abused.
Adam Bernier

I like to use upper case on SQL keywords. I think my mind skips over them as they are really blocky and concentrates on what's important. The blocky words split up the important bits when you layout like this:

  muppets m,
  muppet_shows ms,
  shows s
WHERE = 'Gonzo' AND
  m.muppetId = ms.muppetId AND
  ms.showId = s.showId

(The lack of ANSI joins is an issue for another question.)

There is a psychology study that shows lowercase was quicker to read than uppercase due to the outlines of the words being more distinctive. However, this effect can disappear about with lots of practice reading uppercase.

+1  A: 

Its just a question of readability. Using UPPERCASE for the SQL keywords helps make the script more understandable.

+1  A: 

Code has punctuation which SQL statements lack. There are dots and parentheses and semicolons to help you keep things separate. Code also has lines. Despite the fact that you can write a SQL statement on multiple physical lines, it is a single statement, a single "line of code."

IF i were to write english text without any of the normal punctuation IT might be easier if i uppercased the start of new clauses THAT way itd be easier to tell where one ended and the next began OTHERWISE a block of text this long would probably be very difficult to read NOT that id suggest its easy to read now BUT at least you can follow it i think

Daniel Straight

Back in the 80s, I used to capitalize database names, and leave sql keywords in lower case. Most writers did the opposite, capitalizing the SQL keywords. Eventually, I started going along with the crowd.

Just in passing, I'll mention that, in most published code snippets in C, C++, or Java the language keywords are always in lower case, and upper case keywords may not even be recognized as such by some parsers. I don't see a good reason for using the opposite convention in SQL that you use in the programming language, even when the SQL is embedded in source code.

And I'm not defending the use of all caps for database names. It actually looks a little like "shouting". And there are better conventions, like using a few upper case letters in database names. (By "database names" I mean the names of schemas, schema objects like tables, and maybe a few other things.) Just because I did it in the 80s doesn't mean I have to defend it today.

Finally, "De gustibus non disputandum est".

Walter Mitty
+2  A: 

From Joe Celko's "SQL Programming Style" (ISBN 978-0120887972):


Uppercase the Reserved Words.


Uppercase words are seen as a unit, rather than being read as a series of syllables or letters. The eye is drawn to them, and they act to announce a statement or clause. That is why headlines and warning signs work.

Typographers use the term bouma for the shape of a word. The term appears in paul Saenger's book (1975). Imagine each letter on a rectangular card that just fits it, so that you see the ascenders, descenders, and baseline letters as various "Lego blocks" that are snapped together to make a word.

The bouma of an uppercase word is always a simple, dense rectangle, and it is easy to pick out of a field of lowercase words.

What I find compelling is that this is the only book about SQL heuristics, written by a well-known author of SQL works. So is this the absolute truth? Who knows. It sounds reasonable enough and I can at least point out the rule to a team member and tell them to follow it (and if they want to blame anyone I give them Celko's email address :)
