



I'm trying to use Boost's adjacency_list type and I'm having trouble understanding the documentation.

Say I define a class named State and I instantiate one instance for each state in the USA:

class State { ... };
State california, oregon, nevada, arizona, hawaii, ...

I want to enter these into a boost::adjacency_list the vertices are states and the edges are borders. For the states I listed above, I think the graph would have this data:

california : oregon, nevada, arizona
hawaii :
oregon : california, nevada
nevada : oregon, california, arizona
arizona : california, nevada

I understand how to put ints into the graph and I considered just making an array of states and inserting their array index into the graph, but it seems like I should be able to just say:

add_edge(california, oregon, graph);

but of course that doesn't work. Please help!

Here's an example of almost exactly what I need.

+2  A: 

Reading up on boost::adjacency_list, it appears you are supposed to use properties for the vertices rather than something like a class:

struct VertexProperties {
    std::string stateName;

typedef adjacency_list<listS, listS, bidirectionalS, VertexProperties> Graph;
Graph adjacentStates(50);

property_map<Graph, std::string VertexProperties::*>::type
    stateName = get(&VertexProperties::stateName, adjacentStates);

add_edge(vertex("california", adjacentStates), vertex("oregon", adjacentStates), adjacentStates);

(Poorly) adapted from an example in boost.

Oy! It's worse than I thought. I think I'll find a different way to do this. I'd don't want to have to maintain code that... clever. Thanks for the answer.
Please add VertexProperties as Graph's 4th template parameter. That means you'll have to add bidirectionalS as 3rd.
Thanks, i've made those changes.