Choosing the correct lifecycle and methodology isn't as easy as it was before (when there weren't so many methodologies, this days a new one emerges every day).
I've found that most projects require a certain level of evolution and that each project is different from the rest. That way, extreme programming works with for a project for a given company with 15 employees but doesn't quite work with a 100 emp company or doesn't work for a given project type (for example real time application, scientific application, etc).
I'd like to have a list of experiences, mostly stating the project type, the project size (number of people working on it), the project time (real or planned), the proyect lifecycle and methodology and if the project succeded or failed. Any other data will be appreciated, I think we might find some patterns if there's enough data. Of course, comments are welcomed.
- PS: Very large, PT: Very long, LC: Incremental-CMMI, PR: Success
- PS: Very large, PT: Very long, LC: Waterfall-CMMI, PR: Success
Edit: I'll be constructing a "summary" with the stats of all answers.