




Say I have the following table:

Create Table Comments (
    ID Int Identity(1,1) Not Null Primary Key Clustered,
    Comment Text Not Null

Since I'm superstitious, how can I stop multiples of 13 appearing in the ID column?
ie: Skip 13, 26, 39 etc.

Solution in MySQL or MSSQL much appreciated.

Create Table Comments (    
    ID Int Identity(2,2) Not Null Primary Key Clustered,    
    Comment Text Not Null
That doesn't work.... Every other multiple of 13 is even.
James Curran
So maybe Identity(1,13)? Mind you, the definition contains a 13...
Tony Andrews
Cock. That'll teach me for trying to be funny!
Tony seems to be on to something. Perhaps we go Identity(1,26) to avoid any hint of 13.
James Curran
+6  A: 

Create a trigger to skip to the next one every time 13n - 1 comes up in the sequence

BradC, this is for you. Without any knowledge of SQL Server, I'll do it in Oracle. This seems to be a good reference for triggers in SQL Server

  IF (:new.ID % 13 = 12) THEN
    -- increase the sequence
    SELECT comment_ID_sequence.NEXTVAL FROM dual;
  END IF;   

Without actually testing it, this will probably not work, but with a small amount of trial and error, you can get it working. Oracle has sequence objects that aren't tied to the table at all, and you can bump the sequence all day if you want, without ever touching the table. I don't know if this is true in SQL Server.

What, an insert trigger? Care to give some details on what that would look like?
Thanks for the answer :)
So ... a 13 in a trigger is ok?
Aaron Digulla
+4  A: 

Edit: previous answer was completely wrong.

You can do it like this:

Identity(1, 13)

As tested by:

for (int i = 1; i < 10000000; i += 13)
    if (i % 13 == 0)

Incrementing by 13, starting from 1 should never give you a multiple of 13, at least up to the 10 million.

Alex Fort
My previous answer was wrong/misleading, so I did some tests, and realized the answer is as simple as starting from 1 and incrementing by 13.
Alex Fort
Doesn't that leave a lot of empty IDs?
Of course, and the IDs will get pretty big, relatively quickly. It's a pretty simple solution, however.
Alex Fort
@devinb: why would it matter if you have a lot of empty ids?
Maybe because the precious space between 1 and 14 is being wasted so flippantly?
Alex Fort
I like my answer, but this one is just so much more devious.
+2  A: 

Create a trigger on insert.

When inserting something which is a multiple of 13 minus 1 (12, 25, 38, etc.) insert and delete another row immediately.

Something like that (might need modifications):

CREATE TRIGGER ON [table_name]
    -- Get the last inserted identifier
    DECLARE @LastID INT -- or whatever type is your identity column
    SET @LastID = SELECT ID FROM inserted -- inserted holds the inserted entry

    -- Check if the ID is a multiple of thirteen minus 1
    IF ((@LastID + 1) % 13 = 0) -- not sure it would work, but something like that
        INSERT INTO [table_name]
        -- dummy values

        DELETE FROM [table_name] WHERE ID = (@LastID + 1)

I'm not well versed in triggers, but wouldn't that create a race condition?
Joachim Sauer
This is exactly what I was thinking, and is probably the best answer.
Neil N
@saua: no it would not create a race condition the table is locked until the trigger is done.
Neil N
why couldn't this be done BEFORE INSERT so you could modify the id before it gets committed?
Cory R. King
Well, if he is superstitious, he won't like the 13 in your trigger as well ;)
Aaron Digulla
it could, but you would have to use similar logic either way
@Neil: i see, thanks
Joachim Sauer
+3  A: 

Identity(7919, 4966)

This returned 432'436 unique IDs within a 32bit int and none was a multiple of 13.

More pairs:

17, 1040 - Yields 2'064'889 values

17, 559 - Yields 3'841'653 values

[EDIT] Small python program to test:

import sys

def x(start, step):
    count = 0
    i = start
    N = 1 << 31
    while i < N:
        #print i
        if i % 13 == 0:
        i += step
        count += 1
    print i, i/13.0, count

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))

I just used a couple of primes but that didn't really work; with primes, I could only get sequences with 1-12 numbers. So I started with a random pair and varied the second number until the script would stop to return.

I have no idea of the mathematical properties of the two numbers ;) Anyone?

Aaron Digulla
This is very interesting...can you describe how you came up with those numbers? I'm thinking some neat math.
Err... I started with the primes < 10000 and then wrote a small python program to verify which ones were OK ;) I'm more coder and less math genius ...
Aaron Digulla
Okay, now we just have to turn this into a code-golf problem....