I am receiving the following exception while trying to make an SSL connection to a web service. Does this error mean my local keystore/certificate is expired, or is it that I cannot trust the remote server because it has the expired certificate?
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: certificate expired
at com.ibm.jsse.bs.a(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.jsse.bs.startHandshake(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.net.ssl.www.protocol.https.b.o(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.net.ssl.www.protocol.https.q.connect(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.net.ssl.www.protocol.http.cg.getOutputStream(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.net.ssl.www.protocol.https.t.getOutputStream(Unknown Source)