Beginner question here:
im reading a file, storing the feilds into struct members, then storing the name of the struct into a vector.
I output the size of my vector and debug it to see if it worked and i have the feilds from the file isolated.
im doing this in a vector *ptrFunc() function.
and i return the &vectorObject so i dont need to use a vector type ptr obj declaration.
Moving from one function to the other, even with my return type, do i need to parse the file all over again?
Heres some code, im dont think im being very clear:
//Varaible Declartions/Intializations
//Open File
vector<myStruct> *firstFunc()
while ( !inFile->eof() )
// Isolating each feild delimited by commas
getline( *inFile, str1, ',' );
myStruct.f1 = str1;
getline( *inFile, str2, ',' );
myStruct.f2 = str2;
getline( *inFile, str3, ',' );
myStruct.f3 = atof( str3.c_str() );
getline( *inFile, str4 );
myStruct.f4 = atof( str4.c_str() );
v.push_back( myStruct );
// We have the isolated feilds in the vector...
// so we dance
return &v;
// Now do i still have to do the getlines and push_back with the vector again in another function?
vector<myStruct> *otherFunc()
sStruct myStruct;
vector<myStruct> *v = firstFunc(),
v = &vInit
vInit.push_back( myStruct );
so thats where i debug it and my Structure Members have lost all data!
What should i prolly do in the first function so that my struct members do not lose their data?
My guess is to just create a void function or something. But then storing that into a vector would then be the problem.
Im just have scoping issues. :p