




I have created a Windows Shell Extension using ATL (Visual Studio 2008). It has the following modules and each module is a separate ATL Simple Object with its own .rgs file for registration:-

  1. IShellFolder/IShellView -> For a virtual drive in windows explorer
  2. IContextMenu/IShellExtInit -> For a popup menu files and folders
  3. IShellIconOverlayIdentifier - To display overlay icons on files and folders
  4. IShellPropSheetExt/IShellExtInit -> For a custom property page in File & Folder's properties

The above work fine in WinXP and I am able to debug this shell extension in WinXP. But a soon as I switch to Vista, I only get method calls for (2) and (4). The drive gets created in Windows Explorer but the underlying methods are not called when I click it. Although when I right click I get called for (2) and when I select "Properties" for a file or folder I get into the code for (4).

Is there some interface that I am missing for (1) and (3) on Vista. I could not find full and detailed documentation on writing Shell Extensions for Vista on MSDN. I had already gone through the CodeProject articles on shell extensions.


Make sure that your extensions are handling the initialization properly, otherwise the verclsid.exe won't let your extension getting loaded. verclsid.exe first loads the shell extensions and does a quick check on them before it sends an 'ok' to the shell indicating that it's safe to load the extension.

See here for some details about verclsid.exe.

I could not quite get the solution right. I included the verclsid.exe in the firewall's "Allowed" list but when I start debugging, it shows 'explorer.exe': Loaded '...\Debug\ShellExtension.dll''explorer.exe': Unloaded '...\Debug\ShellExtension.dll'And the breakpoint is not hit
It has nothing to do with a firewall. Unless you do some network stuff in your dll init function (which you *never* should do).the "(un)loaded" lines in the debug window don't help here. You can check in your init functions in which process the dll is loaded.
I apologise for the late reply, I was away.By Init function, do you mean dllmain()? In there, I am not doing much::CoInitialize(NULL);if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH){_AtlModule.Init();::DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance);}hInstance;return _AtlModule.DllMain(dwReason, lpReserved);
I doubt if IShellFolder and IPersistFolder are the only interfaces that needs to implemented in Vista. There might be another *required* interface
Not just dllmain - verclsid also does some testing on QueryInterface() and depending on what extension it is also on some other interfaces.And no: Vista does not require any interface to be implemented that wasn't on XP.
Where can I find this QueryInterface() initialization?
QueryInterface is part of the IUnknown interface
ya but I could not find the implementation.

The problem was because of a Xml SMART Pointer usage. It was has problems when Release() was called on it.

Check this link


Hi, I also have such problem, I have written a program to map the directory on ssh server to local desktop. It works well on XP, but not on Vista and win7( when click a folder, the items in the folder cannot display. Do you get the resolution? my email: [email protected], thanks

There was a nice site on Shell programming - ShellRevealed. The site has been shut down but you can find some articles in the web archive. See this question: