Each pair of square brackets is a dereferencing operation (when applied to a pointer). As an example, the following pairs of lines of code are equivalent:
x = myArray[4];
x = *(myArray+4);
x = myArray[2][7];
x = *((*(myArray+2))+7);
To use your suggested syntax you are simply dereferencing the value returned from the first dereference.
int*** myArray = (some allocation method, keep reading);
// All in one line:
int value = myArray[x][y][z];
// Separated to multiple steps:
int** deref1 = myArray[x];
int* deref2 = deref1[y];
int value = deref2[z];
To go about allocating this array, you simply need to recognise that you don't actually have a three-dimensional array of integers. You have an array of arrays of arrays of integers.
// Start by allocating an array for array of arrays
int*** myArray = new int**[X_MAXIMUM];
// Allocate an array for each element of the first array
for(int x = 0; x < X_MAXIMUM; ++x)
myArray[x] = new int*[Y_MAXIMUM];
// Allocate an array of integers for each element of this array
for(int y = 0; y < Y_MAXIMUM; ++y)
myArray[x][y] = new int[Z_MAXIMUM];
// Specify an initial value (if desired)
for(int z = 0; z < Z_MAXIMUM; ++z)
myArray[x][y][z] = -1;
Deallocating this array follows a similar process to allocating it:
for(int x = 0; x < X_MAXIMUM; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < Y_MAXIMUM; ++y)
delete[] myArray[x][y];
delete[] myArray[x];
delete[] myArray;