Im new to iphone application development. I have a sample application that needs to be launched from a SMS message. I have no idea on how to do this. Please help me.
Thanks In Advance!
Im new to iphone application development. I have a sample application that needs to be launched from a SMS message. I have no idea on how to do this. Please help me.
Thanks In Advance!
Allow your application to respond to some url (eg: myapp://launch ) and include the url in the SMS, when the user launches that URL your application will launch.
I'm sure that is not the most straight forward way (since the SMS needs to include your custom URL) but I don't know if it is possible with any arbitrary SMS to launch an arbitrary applciation
do a google on iphone URL scheme and you will find lots of detail on how to implement this
here is an example
Note that if SMS operates in the same manner as Mail on the iPhone, you'll need to enclose your custom URL in brackets to make it launch the application responding to that scheme. For example,
will work, but
will not.
It works fine. thanks hhafez!
I composed a SMS with url format "myapp://". It didn't work. Then I tried "", then it worked. thanks Brad!
saikamesh, I don't understand about ... I need more examples, for example, you used:
<myapp:// >myapp://yoururl</myapp>
Is this correct?