




So I was feeling bored and decided I wanted to make a hangman game. I did an assignment like this back in high school when I first took C++. But this was before I even too geometry, so unfortunately I didn't do well in any way shape or form in it, and after the semester I trashed everything in a fit of rage.

I'm looking to make a txt document and just throw in a whole bunch of words (ie: test love hungery flummuxed discombobulated pie awkward you get the idea )

So here's my question: How do I get C++ to read a random word from the document?

I have a feeling #include<ctime> will be needed, as well as srand(time(0)); to get some kind of pseudorandom choice...but I haven't the foggiest on how to have a random word taken from a file...any suggestions?

Thanks ahead of time!


I would recommend creating a plain text file (.txt) in Notepad and using the standard C file APIs (fopen(), and fread()) to read from it. You can use fgets() to read each line one at a time.

Once you have your plain text file, just read each line into an array and then randomly choose an entry in the array using the method you've suggested above.

didn't mean it to seem like I wanted to use word, .txt was the intent.I tried to place a new line between each of those examples but it seemed to not work. Could you please explain what you mean? I looked at those two links but I didn't quite understand them.
You may find the iostream example posted by TrayMan easier to use than the C APIs. I don't think I can explain it in this little box.
fair enough, thank you for the idea though!
Beware that Notepad does not neccessarily save in ASCII format.
+5  A: 

Here's a rough sketch, assuming that the words are separated by whitespaces (space, tab, newline, etc):

vector<string> words;
ifstream in("words.txt");
while(in) {
  string word;
  in >> word;

string r=words[rand()%words.size()];
Be sure to #include <fstream>.
Understood...so 'in' does the same as 'infile'? Or are those two different things?
And simply out of curiosity and the fact I've not seen it before, what is the push_back() doing? Afraid I've not seen that command before
It inserts the value to the end of the vector. There's also a push_front.
The push_back member function of std::vector adds an element (in this case a string) to the end of the vector.
See the following vector<> reference. This is the sugary C++ way of doing things. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/vector/
"in" here is nothing more than a name for a variable that TrayMan decided to use. He could've used 'foo', 'bar', 'cheese', or even 'stackoverflow_input_argument'.
Unfortunetly, this code does not work in vc++ compiler.
+1  A: 

The operator >> used on a string will read 1 (white) space separated word from a stream.

So the question is do you want to read the file each time you pick a word or do you want to load the file into memory and then pick up the word from a memory structure. Without more information I can only guess.

Pick a Word from a file:

// Note a an ifstream is also an istream. 
std::string pickWordFromAStream(std::istream& s,std::size_t pos)
    std::istream_iterator<std::string> iter(s);
    {    ++iter;

    // This code assumes that pos is smaller or equal to
    // the number of words in the file
    return *iter;

Load a file into memory:

void loadStreamIntoVector(std::istream& s,std::vector<std::string> words)

Generating a random number should be easy enough. Assuming you only want psudo-random.

Martin York