I have a layer backed view, I am trying to add subLayers roughly sized around 300 X 270 (in pixels ) to it, its that the, sublayers count may reach upto the 1000 to 2000 in number and not to mention each of sublayer is again scalable to roughly 4280 X 1500 or more for starters.
So the problem is obviously that of a GPU constraint.
after adding around 100 subLayers sized 300 X 270 , there is a warning " image is too large for GPU, ignoring" and that messing up with my the layer display. solution for such problem (from some mailing lists) was to use CATiledLayer , but I can't make use of the tiledLayer due to the complex requirement of the subLayer's display.
Is there a possibility of removingthe subLayers which don't fall under VisibleRect of the view ?
I tried to "removeFromSuperlayer" and then adding it whenever required , there's always a crash when I try to add the subLayer back.
Is there any solution for tackling the problem ?
any help is appreciated.
I am adding sublayer twice (i need to change it) but for now just for the gist of code
-(IBAction)addLayer:(id)sender { Layer *l = [[Layer alloc] init]; CALayer *layer = [l page]; [contentArray addObject:page]; [drawLayer addSublayer:layer]; [self layout]; }
-(void)layout { NSEnumerator *pageEnumr = [contentArray objectEnumerator];
float widthMargin = [self frame].size.width;
CGRect rect;
float zoom = [self zoomFactor];
while(obj = [contentEnmr nextObject] )
[obj setZoomFactor:zoom];
CALayer *pg =(CALayer *)[obj page] ;
rect = pg.bounds;
if ( x + pg.bounds.size.width > widthMargin )
x = xOffset;
y += rect.size.height + spacing ;
rect.origin = CGPointMake(x,y);
[obj changeBounds];
NSRect VisibleRect = [self visibleRect];
NSRect result = NSIntersectionRect(VisibleRect,NSRectFromCGRect( rect));
if( NSEqualRects (result ,NSZeroRect) )
[pg removeFromSuperlayer];
[drawLayer addSublayer:pg];
[pg setFrame:rect];
[pg setNeedsDisplay];
x += ( rect.size.width + spacing);
NSRect viewRect = [self frame];
if(viewRect.size.height < ( y + rect.size.height + spacing ) )
viewRect.size.height = ( y + rect.size.height + spacing) ;
[self setFrameSize: viewRect.size];
@interface Layer : NSObject { CALayer *page; } @property (retain) CALayer *page;
Thanks Rajesh