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The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List


I am looking for a good book to learn C++ from, given that I already know C and Java (and some other languages besides)? The books I have found at this point either assume a good understanding of C++ or that I am a complete newbie programmer.


+12  A: 

Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig & Barbra Moo is the one to go for. The first chapter may appear a bit "newbie-ish", but it quickly gets into more advanced language features.

Edit: Despite the many recommendations for Stroustrup's TC++PL, I must admit I've always found it (and the previous editions) somewhat turgid. And it has possibly the worst index of any techical book I own. I don't think he is cut out to write introductory/intermediate style books.

However, for am absolutely engaging and enthralling book by the same author, describing why C++ is the way it is, I can strongly recommend "The Design & Evolution of C++". Slightly out of date now perhaps, but still a great read!

Totally agree with your opinion on Stroustrup's book. Also, and I'm always in the minority on this, I just never could "get into" the Koenig/Moo "Accelerated C++" book, either due to the writing style or the project example, which just didn't engage me.
+1  A: 

The C++ Programming Language, Bjarn Stroustrup. It's mostly pretty basic stuff, but there's enough on pointers etc. to be useful.

Ed Woodcock
+3  A: 

Effective C++ from Scott Meyers

+2  A: 

http://www.amazon.com/Sams-Teach-Yourself-Days-5th/dp/0672327112/ref=pd_sim_b_6 It's a good book, but like with all programming languages you're going to have to read more than one book.

+6  A: 

Stroustroup's book is a classic. I'd recommend that. Once you get the basics of the language down, you should read Meyer's "Effective C++."

Honestly, knowing C and Java well prepare you for the gotchas very well. You should have no problem!

+1 for Effective C++
+5  A: 

C++ Primer is good for beginning C++ programmers, but it's not so slow-paced that experienced C programmers will be bored.

Also, see the answers to this question, as it's a near duplicate.

Bill the Lizard
Absolutely. In fact I might have upmodded you on another similar answer. This is THE book I think is the best. Readers note that it's the *4th* edition, I've had all 4 editions and the 4th is in a class by itself.
+2  A: 

If you already know other languages and also object oriented programming, you might find the books by Herb Sutter interesting:

From the description of the first book:

Aimed at the experienced C++ programmer, Herb Sutter's Exceptional C++ tests the reader's knowledge of advanced C++ language features and idioms with several dozen programming puzzles and explanations. This book can definitely help raise your C++ class design skills to the next level.

+2  A: 

I agree that Stroustrup's book is very good, but I disagree that it's a good first book to learn from. I'd agree with Bill the Lizard's recommendation of C++ Primer as a better book to start with. Read Stroustrup later when you've got some experience and want to understand fine details of the language.

John D. Cook
+2  A: 

C++ Primer by Stephen Prata is a great text. Not exactly what K&R is to C but very close. Excellent for someone in your position.

John T
Actually isn't Prata's book called "C++ Primer Plus"? It's a very good book too, but I think Lippman's "C++ Primer" (see BillTheLizard's answer) is better.
+7  A: 

Thinking in C++ is good for C programmers, it even recommends readers to view the Thinking in C seminar as a preparation material before reading the book.

+1. great book by Eckel, both parts. It`s not just well written, it`s very good in design and font chosen for code.
Eckel wrote an introduction to make C programmers want to learn C++, explain advantages over C - so that would be well for you to understand in how many ways learning C++ would affect your coding productivity.

everything written by Herb Sutter or Andrei Alexandrescu is worth to be read. both authors have ability to explain very complex things in very simple way.
