



I am about to begin writing an app that handles adding new users/repostories to my subversion server, so that I don't have to repeatedly open vi and edit conf files and execute shell commands.

Most of my experience centers around C, C++, Objective-C and Java. Java seems decent for string manipulations with its tokenizer class, however I haven't really looked into what is really available in Java or any other languages for that matter.

What would be the best language for reading, writing and manipulating strings in text files and executing shell commands as a command line app? If you suggest a language please give me a good argument as to why you believe that is the best. Don't just fire off a language.

+31  A: 

perl - as it was designed for string manipulations and executes other command line commands as easy as you only can imagine.
python - very structured language with a good text processing libraries. Can also run other command line commands and read their results.

Mykola Golubyev
+1 Python can do some nice stuff with strings (even if I do hate the language)
Ed Woodcock
+1: Python SVN library already written for you.
why -1 two times?
Mykola Golubyev
Probably because your original post was just firing off two languages without argument.
Michael Myers
probably... Read question to fast and missed the "description" part.
Mykola Golubyev
-1 for perl, +1 for python :P
Hey this is strange. Before my -1 you had 1888, later 1886, later I +1 ( not taking back the -1 but directly to the +1 ) and you've got 1890, only 2 pts more. mmmhh that's odd.
This is even stranger. I took back my +1, leaving you in 1888, and then I upvote it, but nothing changed, your status remained 1888. :-/ Well, I guess my original -1 +1 gives you more rep.
WIth a C++ background, I suspect Python will be easier to learn than Perl.
@Oscar: I don't know. I think there is some bug. I see +3 points for 2 upvotes in the "Summary" section for this answer. Bug with a maximum points per day? ( I didn't reach yet )
Mykola Golubyev
I guess that's what happens when people plays with the voting controls. :(
Brian: How do you figure? Because its OO? The syntax is not going to be familiar to a C/C++ programmer.S Lott: SVN::Client
+15  A: 

How long is piece of string?

Perl, it was designed from the ground up for processing text.

Nobody ever got fired for choosing Perl for text processing :)
Unless you work for Microsoft. You should be using C# or VB. /s
Brock Woolf
Nothing wrong with C# for string processing.
+13  A: 

Whatever you're most comfortable using is the best choice.

Jon Tackabury
Why the downvotes? If he doesn't know perl is it really the best language to use for the project? If it's a learning exercise maybe, but otherwise you'll be more productive in a language you are familiar with.
Jon Tackabury
You are probably getting down voted because this is the same as the "I'll bid $1" answer that people give on the Price is Right.
+1 because this doesn't deserve a downvote.
Is in the c++ a convenient way to read a result from some command line tool?
Mykola Golubyev
+6  A: 

Perl has regular expressions as a base variable type and uses them extensively. It also has been coined as meaning Practical Extraction and Report Language. It was developed by the linguist Larry Wall.

Ben S
+4  A: 

For simple text file manipulation I wouldn't go further than a shell script using basic tools as grep, awk, sed, or a perl or python script.

+9  A: 

Just to add another option, I think Ruby has the same regular expression integration as perl without the syntax diarrhea (it's got the regex features that I have used). Anyway, this is completely subjective.

Oliver N.
definitely subjective. Perhaps you should look at the x flag to regexes.
+2  A: 

Among the common languages Perl obviously stands out. However as you asked for the best string manipulation language and we disregard practicalities a little you might like to take a look at Icon which developed from Snobol - or String Orientated Symbolic Language.

Ruby incorporates some ideas which can be originally traced back to Snobol too.

There is an open source Snobol available, if you want to be really perverse.
David Thornley
"I think so, Brain, but Snobol for Windows?"
+8  A: 

I would certanly not suggest keeping with a c/java type language for this job. You should probably choose Perl/Python/Ruby as other people are suggesting -- not knowing these languages should not be a big issue if you already know others.

However there is one extra option if you are on a unix/linux server. Shell scripting! This is really the best tool for this job since you also need to execute some programs/utilities, bash is available on almost all servers so you gain easy portability. If the text processing job becomes too complex for shell scripting the defensive first choice should indeed be Perl, with Python and Ruby following after that based on developer preference.

The big reason for doing this in a non-compiled language is that you can always see what code is being run without having to compile and compare versions. Another benefit is that changes are easily made and visible right in your script file.

Simon Groenewolt
I'd add awk to the shell scripting.
+5  A: 

AWK, Perl's little cousin is great if you're running on a Unix (or a nearly-Unix) of some type. If you just want to open up a text file, manipulate it, then write it again AWK was designed for this. It's simple and elegant. The AWK Programming Language book is probably one of the best language specific technical books that I've ever read. Starts simply, easy to read and then ends with some amazing examples. More than enough good documentation.

If it's a windows box, Cygwin has AWK, but I think just using ActiveState Perl on it's own is probably a more robust option.

Paul W Homer
+2  A: 

I agree with Simon, I would look into doing this via shell scripting if using unix/linux as it is a good fit for this type of work.

If you must use a language, avoid anything compiled such as C/C++/Java as using them will only slow you down and go with Python/Ruby/Perl. Most of these interpreted languages will already be installed on a linux/unix system. Personally I prefer Python because the language is easy to read. and use. It is also very easy to open/read/write/append files (not that the others are hard).

+3  A: 

There is a Boost regex library for C++ that looks very powerful (although I've only used the most basic features myself), and something like it is going into C++0/1x. Given that you have C++ experience, and C++ generally does well at generating that sort of executable, it's something to look at.

David Thornley
It is hard in the c++ to read result of extern command line commands.
Mykola Golubyev
True, whereas (say) Perl has the backtick notation. However, the OP may not need to get the text result back.
David Thornley
` in perl and the shell are old school, qx() and $() are muxh lwaa ugly
I must be old school Perl, then. Is Perl 6 ready to go yet?
David Thornley
+1  A: 

awk I guess. Really easy to learn and still has a lot of potential. Great for stream processing.


If you like Java, then you could consider groovy. It has the benefit of access to all of the Java APIs, but has much simpler regular expression usage.

+1  A: 

Just for me I prefer Ruby for working with string data in my scripts. At the other hand for bigger and commercial apps I think it better done with Java.

Both are great languages and have a special place in my heart, but sometimes i truly despise Java as much as i love it.
Brock Woolf