It may be helpful to have some more information.
If you have criteria that are driving your particular list of bank and account entities then you should be joining on these tables.
You do have a Bank table and an Account table don't you?
Assuming you have the information in the accounts table that narrow down the specific accounts you want to reference, for example suppose your Accounts table has an IsActive char(1) NOT NULL field and you want the balances for inactive accounts you would write something like this:
SELECT date, sum( amount ) AS amount
FROM Balances b
INNER JOIN Accounts a
ON b.Bank = a.Bank AND b.Account = a.Account
WHERE a.IsActive = 'N'
From a design perspective your should probably have created an artificial key to remove replication of non-identifying data across tables. This would give you something like this:
AccountId int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
Bank nvarchar(15) NOT NULL,
Account nvarchar(15) NOT NULL
AccountId int,
Date datetime,
Amount money
This allows errors in the Bank or Account fields to be edited without having to cascade these changes to the Balances table as well as a slightly simpler query.
SELECT date, sum( amount ) AS amount
FROM Balances b
INNER JOIN Accounts a
ON b.AccountId = a.AccountId
WHERE a.IsActive = 'N'