




For the particular application I am developing the built in keyboards are useless for me (I need to support 0-9 and X, del and nothing else). I also am after a UI with large buttons to make it easier to hit the keys.

It is easy enough to come up with a UI with the buttons, but I cannot figure how to make it so that the keyboard doesn't show up at all when the user select the TextView (I'd like them to never see it at all).

I do want the TextView feature of being able to select where the cursor is, otherwise I would punt and use a label.

Is this the wrong way all together and I should do it some other way? If not is there a way to hide the keyboard?

+1  A: 

Make the TextVeiw uneditable and the keyboard won't come up

but then I won't have the ability to move the cursor withing the edit field. I'd rather not have to delete 10 characters because the first one was wrong (and I cannot do validation until everything is entered)
+1  A: 

No, there isn't. A textview without a keyboard is called a "label". (And that won't help you with the insertion point, but them's the breaks.)

Brent Royal-Gordon
Since a label doesn't allow for cursor movement they are not the same.
I'm well aware of this. Unfortunately for you, the cursor and the keyboard are a package deal; there's no known method to get one without the other, short if implementing an insertion point yourself.
Brent Royal-Gordon