Let's say, hypothetically, you have been chosen to give a presentation to your coworkers on the language about which you are most knowledgeable. How do you make it interesting?
It seems easy enough to write a basic overview: This is what it is used for, and here is some background info on it. You make a slideshow of that material and mix in some examples. But how do you make the examples both interesting and real-world-problem-oriented?
I have done these both in college and in the workplace, unfortunately I am still not good at it. I find that my examples tend to be hit-or-miss, where people will say "that's perfect, I need to do just that!" or "wait.. why would I ever do that?"
So ultimately, my question is: How does one present on a language, keeping it informative, relevant and, most importantly, interesting? What would YOU want to know about a language with which you are only vaguely familiar?
EDIT: How do you create audience interactivity for a programming-related presentation? Is it something of a "how do you think this would work?" Possibly creating code examples that require some audience input?