I was having a problem where my Dev cert didn't expand (was not linked) to my private key.
I tracked the issue down to a discrepancy in the email used to create my Dev Cert and the one keychain was auto-selecting when I installed my CSR that I created to make my Dev cert.
I verified this by examining the contents of my CSR as follows.
1) Double click on the existing CSR file to start the 'install' process in Keychain.
2) Select the 'Let me override defaults for this request' checkbox.
3) Press Continue twice to get to the 'Create your certificate' page.
4) Select the 'Let me override defaults' checkbox.
5) Press Continue twice to get to the 'Certificate Information' page.
Here I found the email listed in the 'Email Address' field was different from the one I used to create the Dev Cert.
I tried to select the correct email and install the CSR, but I couldn't get the certs linked.
The only fix I could find was to recreate my Dev cert using that old email address so that when I installed the CSR in the normal way, everything was linked.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Does anyone know where keychain is getting that list of alternate email addresses, so I can clear it out?