



I'm starting work on a project that must be delivered in WinPE. I will likely be able to use WinPE 3.0. I'm also aware of Bart's PE and VistaPE, but I think I'm going to stick with WinPE. I need x64 support and the full range of storage drivers.

I want to develop an app with a GUI and network access. I would like to work in Visual Studio to design my GUI, although that's not a requirement.

What programming languages will I be able to use to target WinPE, with GUI support? With a little bit of research I've discovered that .NET simply isn't supported (by Microsoft), so that seems to exclude all C#, modern VB, etc. Has anyone run Java/Swing? C++ with MFC or ATL (modern)? Hacked in .NET to get CLR support?


I can run Perl with Win32::GUI. But it does not allow me to use Visual Studio with the Resource View to create the GUI I want. It must all be done programmatically. Or is that possible?

Jared Oberhaus

I'm beginning to believe that C++ with MFC or ATL is the only thing that will likely work. Anyone with any experience?

Jared Oberhaus

I wish I had seen this related StackOverflow question.

Jared Oberhaus
I've also discovered static compilation of .NET projects. It's a little on the expensive side. StackOverflow question: compilation comes for free in Mono, if I understand correctly.
Jared Oberhaus

What about AutoIT? It can compile to x86 or x64 and does not use .Net?

This should be asked as a separate question of its own so it shows up on the main Stack Overflow page and gets more attention. You can link back to this question for reference if you need to.
Bill the Lizard

Try Realbasic, the program will compile its own local dll. I've used it to create a front loader for PE via PXE. Realbasic is cross-platform windows/mac/linux. You will want the professional version, but it's been worth the cost at my company.
