I want to extract some queries to a CSV output format. Unfortunately, I can't use any fancy SQL client or any language to do it. I must use SQLPLUS.
How do I do it?
I want to extract some queries to a CSV output format. Unfortunately, I can't use any fancy SQL client or any language to do it. I must use SQLPLUS.
How do I do it?
You can explicitly format the query to produce a delimited string with something along the lines of:
select '"'||foo||'","'||bar||'"'
from tab
And set up the output options as appropriate. As an option, the COLSEP variable on SQLPlus will let you produce delimited files without having to explicitly generate a string with the fields concatenated together. However, you will have to put quotes around strings on any columns that might contain embedded comma characters.
It's crude, but:
set pagesize 0 linesize 500 trimspool on feedback off echo off
select '"' || empno || '","' || ename || '","' || deptno || '"' as text
from emp
spool emp.csv
spool off
You could also use the following, although it does introduce spaces between fields.
set colsep , -- separate columns with a comma
set pagesize 0 -- only one header row
set trimspool on -- remove trailing blanks
set headsep off -- this may or may not be useful...depends on your headings.
set linesize X -- X should be the sum of the column widths
spool myfile.csv
select table_name, tablespace_name
from all_tables
where owner = 'SYS'
and tablespace_name is not null;
Output will be like:
This would be a lot less tedious than typing out all of the fields and concatenating them with the commas. You could follow up with a simple sed script to remove whitespace that appears before a comma, if you wanted.
Something like this might work...(my sed skills are very rusty, so this will likely need work)
sed 's/\s+,/,/' myfile.csv
I have a similar problem...
I need to spool CSV file from SQLPLUS, but the output has 250 columns.
What i did to avoid anoying SQLPLUS output formating:
set linesize 9999
set pagesize 50000
spool myfile.csv
select x
select col1||';'||col2||';'||col3||';'||col4||';'||col5||';'||col6||';'||col7||';'||col8||';'||col9||';'||col10||';'||col11||';'||col12||';'||col13||';'||col14||';'||col15||';'||col16||';'||col17||';'||col18||';'||col19||';'||col20||';'||col21||';'||col22||';'||col23||';'||col24||';'||col25||';'||col26||';'||col27||';'||col28||';'||col29||';'||col30 as x
from (
... here is the "core" select
spool off
the problem is you will loose column header names...
you can add this:
set heading off
spool myfile.csv
select col1_name||';'||col2_name||';'||col3_name||';'||col4_name||';'||col5_name||';'||col6_name||';'||col7_name||';'||col8_name||';'||col9_name||';'||col10_name||';'||col11_name||';'||col12_name||';'||col13_name||';'||col14_name||';'||col15_name||';'||col16_name||';'||col17_name||';'||col18_name||';'||col19_name||';'||col20_name||';'||col21_name||';'||col22_name||';'||col23_name||';'||col24_name||';'||col25_name||';'||col26_name||';'||col27_name||';'||col28_name||';'||col29_name||';'||col30_name from dual;
select x
select col1||';'||col2||';'||col3||';'||col4||';'||col5||';'||col6||';'||col7||';'||col8||';'||col9||';'||col10||';'||col11||';'||col12||';'||col13||';'||col14||';'||col15||';'||col16||';'||col17||';'||col18||';'||col19||';'||col20||';'||col21||';'||col22||';'||col23||';'||col24||';'||col25||';'||col26||';'||col27||';'||col28||';'||col29||';'||col30 as x
from (
... here is the "core" select
spool off
I know it`s kinda hardcore, but it works for me...
prefer to use "set colsep" in sqlplus prompt instead of editing col name one by one. Use sed to edit the output file.
set colsep '","' -- separate columns with a comma
sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/;s/\s *"/"/g;s/"\s */"/g' $outfile > $outfile.csv
prefer to use "set colsep" in sqlplus prompt instead of editing col name one by one. Use sed to edit the output file.
set colsep '","' -- separate columns with a comma sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/;s/\s *"/"/g;s/"\s */"/g' $outfile > $outfile.csv